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Botanical print

creative process

This technique allows to stamp images of plants on paper or fabric

how do we do it

  • We collect leaves, flowers, ..., we put them on fabric or paper that we wrap around tubes

  • Let it boil for about 45 minutes. Previously, we will prepared the water with mordants* and     dyes **

*Mordants are substances that prepare sheets of paper or fabric so they can retain and fix the pigments released by plants. As: Copper mordant, Cream of Tartar, Iron mordant, ...

**Dyes add color to the final result. We use: Turmeric, Cochineal, Indigo...

  • We remove it from the heat, unroll it, remove the material, and pass the fabric or paper under a stream of water to clean the excess. Then we let it dry in the shade

The end result is a surprise. We can intuit how it wil turn out, but really we don't know.  It depends on the type of sheet, how we roll the material, the proportions of the products we add... This uncertainty gives the possibility to experimenting with the unexpected; and value the beauty of the material we obtain.

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